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Excess Treatment Costs for Research

NHS Boards are obliged to ensure that patient care services associated with R&D are provided and funded efficiently. This obligation includes additional treatment costs (defined under the AcoRD guidance) incurred during participation in a research project, normally referred to as “Excess Treatment Costs” or “ETCs”.

CSO will consider requests for subventions to meet these costs from Health Boards, however, consideration of a grant to meet these is only given when the costs are considered to be disproportionately expensive. Applications will only be considered in relation to research funded by an eligible funder or adopted to the Scottish portfolio and must be made before a study starts. The cost thresholds and application procedure are outlined in the following documents:

Both Parts A and B must be fully completed and submitted along with a copy of the study protocol and grant application. CSO reserves the right to request additional information as is deemed necessary in making a decision on whether to award a subvention.

Applications and queries should be referred to David Hood.
Scottish Government
Chief Scientist Office
Room GR
St Andrews House