Improving compatibility for cross-border research within the UK
The four UK nations are committed to making it easier to carry out research in the UK.
The aim is to make the researcher experience of study set up the same across the UK. Working together, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are developing compatible cross-border processes.
The Four Nations Policy Group has agreed areas of collaborative work to achieve this aim. To realise the following benefits, an operational group is coordinating the work.
Healthcare research sponsors and applicants will benefit from:
- compatible UK-wide processes leading to consistent and expected outcomes
- reduced cross-border confusion and differing types of application forms
- electronic submission and sharing of documents to hosting organisations
The work will involve the development of information technology, publication of updated guidance, and change management work across the UK: review progress
The programme is supported by:
- Health Research Authority, England
- Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland
- NHS Research Scotland, Scotland
- Health and Care Research Wales, Wales
If you have any queries about the programme, please contact the operational lead for your nation.
England | Alastair Nicholson | alastair.nicholson@hra.nhs.uk |
Northern Ireland | Sally Doherty | Sally.Doherty@westerntrust.hscni.net |
Scotland | Joanne Rodger | joanne.rodger@nhs.scot |
Wales | Rossela Roberts | rossela.roberts@wales.nhs.uk |
UK Policy Framework
This policy framework sets out principles of good practice in the management and conduct of health and social care research in the UK
Carrying Out Research Across Borders
This toolkit is designed for use by researchers setting up and conducting research in the NHS, or health and social care settings across multiple UK nations
Project Updates
The four UK nations are committed to making it easier to carry out research in the UK
On 28 June 2018 an update to IRAS, the Integrated Research Application System, introduced a single, e-submission of IRAS Forms and associated documents
Electronic Signatures
NHS Research Scotland welcomes efficient methods of document transfer in the research approvals and study set-up process
As a single point of contact, the Centralised Feasibility Service aims to assist in the identification of appropriate investigators and sites across Scotland for the delivery of clinical research studies
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